Audiometric Testing
It is mandated under most provincial legislation that all workers undergo testing when exposed to noise greater than 85 dBA Lex.
Workplaces with these levels of noise can result in hearing disabilities and impairment. Audiometric tests measure a patient’s ability to hear sounds, which helps determine if there is deterioration of a worker’s hearing due to loud noises or physical trauma at work.
Aceso Medical provides both Baseline and Periodic Audiometric Testing onsite and in our clinics across North America.
Onsite testing is done in our mobile units which are outfitted with industrial sound booths and constructed with acoustical insulation to ensure test privacy, accuracy, and quality. Our tests include a comprehensive review of all abnormal audiograms or standard threshold shifts.

To ensure compliance with your local legislation please review your provincial legislation below.
British Columbia
New Brunswick
(Not Currently Required)
New Brunswick’s Occupational Health and Safety Act – REGULATION 91-191
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories & Nunavut
Nova Scotia
Not Legally Required
Prince Edward Island
Not specifically required
Hearing Conservation Program Reviews
Completing a hearing conservation program review protects your employees and allows you to remain compliant under OH&S codes. These comprehensive reviews must be done annually and should be done by an occupational health nurse, physician, or audiologist.
Aceso Medical provides reviews in accordance with the legislation in your jurisdiction to ensure your program is keeping up with the ever evolving workplace .